
Skiing Camps


If you're mad about skiing or want to improve your style and technique and want more than a straight forward ski holiday, then join a ski camp on your gap year. There are straight forward recreational camps, freestyle camps, instructor camps and more, with all sorts of added extras and differences. Spend some of your year out on the slopes with other gappers and get some excellennt coaching or free time skiing.

Latest news

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Post-Brexit Update: Looking to work a ski season in Europe

So exciting that you’re looking into working a season and experiencing all the mountains have to offer!! As a UK citizen, you may be thinking about op

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The Team at Project Snow Review The Magic of Japan

With so many amazing options worldwide, what makes Niseko stand out?

Spring day
Why Choose Niseko Japan for Your Gap Year

If you haven't heard about skiing in Japan, you need to read this for the ultimate gap year destination.

Airview Zermatt Summer Ski Area
The Matterhorn's Summer Ski Area

Check out an overview of what Zermatt has to offer for summer skiers on Europe's highest glacier ski area.

Latest videos

Just Do it!

Find your reason to change your lifestyle and become a ski or snowboard instructor in BC.

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Instructor stories - Becoming a ski instructor with EA Ski & Snowboard

Emily our EA Brand Ambassador tells us how she is preparing for her winter season in Niseko

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Skiing in Cypress, Canada! EA Ski & Snowboard Training

EA interns loving the snow in Cypress, Canada 2016/17. Not long now till the resorts open again for the 17/18 season... it's going to be a good one! Check availability for our remaining places

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