Campsite Supervisory Jobs

Campsite Supervisory Jobs

Campsite Supervisory Jobs

Senior campsite reps / couriers are recruited normally for larger campsites to manage a team to deliver holiday experiences for guests. The day-to-day role of a site manager or senior campsite rep or courier varies but normally includes taking part in all the basic duties of a courier (cleaning, customer service, admin etc) but also organisational duties such as setting rotas and carrying out performance related reviews and actions.

The senior rep or courier in charge (the terminology varies) will normally liaise directly with the Area Manager and head office. To get one of these jobs you will need to be mature, calm under pressure and good with people. These jobs are normally filled from within the organisation but experience in a similar role will help, as will a level of a European language such as French, Italian, German, Dutch or Spanish.

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Senior Campsite Courier (Team Leader)

KelAir Campotel are an Irish family run tour operator. We offer camping holidays in 4 and 5 star resorts throughout France and Spain. We have been lea

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