Community Development Volunteer


There are many projects involved with deprived communities and in helping give skills to younger members. Methods include workshops, classroom lessons, theatres, and computer labs. You could be helping with play rehearsals and other performing arts workshops, social skills workshops, cooking classes, basic computer skills and English classes (for more info on teaching English see the TEFL help guide section).

Latest news

Disaster Relief efforts begin in Fiji
Join our Disaster Relief Project in Fiji

Projects Abroad has recently launched a Disaster Relief Project in response to the recent hurricane in Fiji.

Join our Disaster Relief Project in Nepal

Projects Abroad is launching a Disaster Relief Project in response to the recent earthquakes in Nepal.

Community township Project Group Photo
Join our latest Culture & Community Project in South Africa

Projects Abroad have just launched a fantastic Community Township Project in South Africa.

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Win a Teaching Placement in Costa Rica

Win a two week teaching placement in beautiful Costa Rica

Latest videos

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes!

Oyster volunteer in Tanzania. Jon give the class a treat and allows them to sing.

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