Cabin Steward


Cabin steward jobs on cruise ships and barges are very similar to the customer services jobs on offer in the summer jobs industry and bring the same challenges. Being on a boat most of the time adds to these challenges somewhat. Cruise clients can be demanding and you will need to be 100% committed to providing total passenger satisfaction. Living and working away from home for a long period of time is tough enough when there is usually an airport nearby, being on a boat or ship makes it harder to bail out.

What you really do need to be careful of are all the scams on the internet based on you paying a registration fee for a list of cruise ship jobs, or even a ‘guaranteed job on a cruise ship’. More often than not these are bogus and you should thoroughly research the company before you use them; certainly before you part with any cash! Common advice is never top part with money in order to apply for a job whatever you do.

  • Cruise ships: operate mostly on routes that return passengers to their originating port.
  • Ocean liners and ferries: transport passengers from one point to another.
  • River cruise ships: operate holidays on inland waterways.