An introduction to gap years and the different types of gap year you could take with Oyster Worldwide - along with some handy tips for how to prepare for your time away!
Find your reason to change your lifestyle and become a ski or snowboard instructor in BC.
This video show's you what to pack on your winter season. For more information, follow this link
Emily our EA Brand Ambassador tells us how she is preparing for her winter season in Niseko
EA interns loving the snow in Cypress, Canada 2016/17. Not long now till the resorts open again for the 17/18 season... it's going to be a good one! Check availability for our remaining places
Giving you an introduction to Oyster and all that we offer.
One Legged turn to hone high speed control. ALLTRACKS Academy head Coach, Guy Hetherington
This is a great example of what volunteers can achieve in lessons when they use their initiative. The work has been generated by cutting up the Oyster brochure and getting the kids to make stories from the pictures.
Ceri teaching a fantastic lesson about colours
Oyster volunteer in Tanzania. Jon give the class a treat and allows them to sing.
Take a self financing Gap Year in Australia with Oyster. We can offer you guaranteed employment for up to 12 months.