Community development


All about gap year community development career placements and projects.

Latest news

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Projects Abroad is now working to aid refugees in Italy

Projects Abroad have partnered with the Red Cross and Recosol to aid refugees and migrants in Italy.

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Join our Webinar on Wednesday 20th July at 6pm

Listen online to a live presentation about all of the projects and destinations that we offer!

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Meet us at one of our Information Events!

We have some upcoming information events for the coming months. Come along and meet us!

Community township Project Group Photo
Join our latest Culture & Community Project in South Africa

Projects Abroad have just launched a fantastic Community Township Project in South Africa.

Latest videos

International Women's Day

This International Women's Day we want to celebrate how camp inspires the next generation to explore #BalanceForBetter and be who they want to be, no matter their gender.

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Instructor stories - Becoming a ski instructor with EA Ski & Snowboard

Emily our EA Brand Ambassador tells us how she is preparing for her winter season in Niseko

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Skiing in Cypress, Canada! EA Ski & Snowboard Training

EA interns loving the snow in Cypress, Canada 2016/17. Not long now till the resorts open again for the 17/18 season... it's going to be a good one! Check availability for our remaining places https://goo.gl/q8xmSd

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Earn money in the Australian Outback

Take a self financing Gap Year in Australia with Oyster. We can offer you guaranteed employment for up to 12 months.

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