5 Top Tips for Ski Season Applicants

POSTED ON 11 Jun 2019 - POSTED BY Ski Famille and Ski Vertigo

Tips to stand out from the crowd in your application for a ski season position.

A large part of running Ski Famille is finding an enthusiastic and talented group of staff to run our chalets and childcare service each year.

Last winter Ski Famille had approximately 1500 applications for around 100 jobs. You might think this makes standing out a bit of a nightmare? Not so, follow a few basic rules and can dramatically increase your chances of getting your foot in the door.

1. Tailor your C.V and send a covering note

Take some time to tailor your CV to the ski resort job you are applying for. If you are looking for seasonal work in a ski resort but are a civil engineer by trade then your student work experience behind the bar at Centre Parcs may actually be more relevant than your most recent suspension bridge project.

Always send a covering note with your CV, even if it’s brief. A CV alone doesn’t say why you want the job, why you think you’d be good at it or why you’d like to work for a specific company. You don’t need to write a novel, just enough to spark a bit of interest in whoever is sifting through initial applications and get an interview

2. Check your punctuation and spelling

This ones sounds very basic, but ensure you thoroughly check your CV and covering letter for spelling and grammar. If you’re not that confident when looking at spelling or punctuation make sure you use spell check and ask a friend or relative to give what you have written a once over. Whilst an employer in the seasonal sector is probably not that bothered about your day to day spelling ability, they do want to see the application is important enough to you that you have taken time over it before clicking send.

3. What does your email address tell an Employer?

You probably picked your email address a few years ago and mostly use your account to e-mail mates. However, it is the first thing a potential employer is going to read. Opening a new e-mail account for job applications will take seconds and an e-mail from [email protected] is going to look a lot better than one from [email protected]. Trust us, it does make a difference!

4. Beware your Social Media profiles

This is an issue that has had a reasonable amount of coverage in the press recently. A potential employer may well Google you (yes, even for a seasonal job). If you have things you’d rather were kept private on your Twitter, Instagram or Facebook profile then make sure your privacy settings keep them safe. The messages you exchange with friends (or some of your pictures?) may not put you in the most favourable light. If your name is “John Smith” you’re probably OK as Google will turn up so many results you’ll remain anonymous. If you’re a “Yasmina McTavish” log on now…

5. Beware the smiley

We all want to hire friendly people but a job application is probably not the place for an e-mail starting “Hiya” and signed off with a grinning smiley and a few kisses. You can put across that you are a sociable and fun person without letting the professionalism slip.

In summary…

Remember that your application has one aim – to get you through the employer’s door for an interview. Keep it relevant, concise and professional. There’ll be a lot of competition for seasonal roles this year and these simple measures can increase your chances of success massively.

To find out more about seasonal roles with Ski Famille visit: www.skifamille.co.uk/work-for-us

Ski Famille and Ski Vertigo

Ski Famille and Ski Vertigo offer ski jobs in the French Alps

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