99% pass rate maintained!

POSTED ON 12 Jan 2016 - POSTED BY EA Ski & Snowboard Training

New instructors now working on snow in Canada, Japan, USA and Switzerland.

As the 2015/16 winter instructor exams finish up, EA Ski and Snowboard Training are excited to announce the 99% pass rate has been maintained across the board with 100% of Seasonworkers applicants having passed their level 1 ISIA exams.

Ski and Snowboard instructor interns in Canada, Japan, Switzerland and the USA have now moved into their employment positions for the remainder of the winter season after successfully completing their training and examinations.

Winter conditions in the northern hemisphere have been varied with a challenging start to the Swiss season and an overwhelmingly positive natural snowfall in Canada. As we progress into 2016, newly qualified instructors are experiencing high workloads with holiday makers from across the world flocking to the most popular winter destinations.

Congratulations to all the newly qualified ski and snowboard instructors out there!

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Ski Instructor Internship: Training + Job offer! (Limited places)

Join EA Ski and Snowboard Training this winter and work as a ski instructor at one of our 30 world-class resorts in Canada, Japan, New Zealand, USA &a

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  • USD $5975
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