A life of seasons…
- Campsite Childrens Courier Jobs
I was just like you a decade back, searching on (albeit slightly old-school, slow and uninspiring) websites to find a little something to see me through the summer of university. I’d heard tale of ‘season work’ and thought that with my third year of a four-year Languages degree coming to a close in June I could use a job for the summer! I’d been working in Germany as part of the ERASMUS scheme and whilst beautiful, Hamburg hadn’t really satisfied my need for some blue skies – so I applied for a role in France in the hope of a sun-filled summer.
Little did I know it was the beginning of a journey that would see me work in countries all over the world, meeting new friends at every turn and learning more about myself than I ever thought possible – all while being a ‘season worker’. I’ve been lucky enough to visit some incredible places, make friends for life and meet hundreds of new people, all whilst earning money and working alongside like-minded colleagues to deliver activities for families on their holidays and school children on residential visits here in the U.K.
Working with children and families each day was an absolute joy –I never thought I’d find a job where I was, quite literally, paid to play! Of course, being in charge of large groups of children and organising their activities had its stressful moments, but working alongside fantastic colleagues helped enormously and at the end of the day the children’s smiles and laughter always made the hard work worthwhile.
Before I knew it, seasons had flown by and I had gone from running activities on a daily basis to overseeing them. As someone who always intended to continue studying and perhaps enter into the world of translation, the seasonal lifestyle bit me – like the proverbial travel bug – and I found myself passionate about providing exceptional activity experiences for families travelling abroad and school children here in the UK.
So why not give it a try and see if working seasons is for you – all you need is the drive to deliver amazing activities for children and adults, and the desire to come onboard and work with incredible people … we’ll provide the rest! www.in2action.co.uk

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