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The two Thomas Cook resort staff, Richard Carson and Nicola Gibson, on trial in Corfu have been cleared of manslaughter by negligence. The case involved two children who died from carbon monoxide poisoning whilst on holiday with Thomas Cook in 2006.
There were 11 people on trail over the deaths and three were found guilty of charges including manslaughter by negligence.
Thomas Cook said in a statement "We have always maintained that this tragic accident was the result of a unique set of circumstances, none of which could be the responsibility of the company or Richard Carson and Nicola Gibson. We believe that they should never have formed part of this court case”.
“There has been a very thorough and robust trial in Corfu and we are pleased that this has identified those responsible, and that the court has confirmed Richard and Nicola’s innocence.
"Both individuals are exemplary members of our team and we are pleased that they have now been fully vindicated.”

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