Day in the life

POSTED ON 14 Dec 2017 - POSTED BY British Summer Camps

Day in the life of our staff

Rise & Shine

A nice early start for everyone! Children are woken up by the staff and it’s time to get ready for their fun filled day of activities!


For breakfast you will find a range of different Chinese foods, from rice dumplings to pastries and boiled eggs. But before everyone can eat we must do our ‘hungry cheer’! Make sure you fill yourself up in the morning!

Wake Up! Shake Up!

Wake up, Shake up is a great start to everyone’s day. Children will first go into their groups and play some ice-breaker games until all the children are ready to start. The Camp Director will then give the children a quick briefing of the day and inform them of their learning outcomes. Dancing time! Everyone is up on their feet and dancing to our famous wake up shake up songs! A great way to get everyone excited for the day!

First Activity

Children split off into their groups for their first activity which is run by the British leaders and then translated by our Chinese leaders to ensure the children understand fully! The great thing about working with us is you also get to join in the activities as well!

Second Activity

The children then move onto their second activity of the day. Whilst moving between areas this is a great time to get the children to fill up their water bottles and go to the toilet!

Dorm Time

Children go back to their dorm to talk about their activities so far. This is a great time for leaders to engage in conversation with their allocated dorms and groups to build the children’s confidence as well.

Lunch Time

Time to fill your bellies again! Lunch time is another great opportunity to interact with the children. You will be offered a range of different food and have the chance to try their traditional soup!

Rest Time

After a busy morning full of exciting activities, it is time for our staff and the children to have a rest. The children will rest in the dorms and either rest their head or talk quietly with their friends about their day and what they are looking forward to next!

Third & Fourth Activities

Rest hour is over so that means back to activities! These activities work the same as the morning as well. It is great because you really get to know the children in your group.

Wash Up

During this time children must have a shower and give their camp tops to their leaders to wash. Children will need to be supervised during this time. You will have to help some of the children dry their hair so opening up a ‘hairdressers’ is a great way to help them with this!

Dinner Time

This is the last big meal of the day and you are guaranteed to be full after their generous portions!

Evening Activity

As the children have had their showers their evening activity is a lot calmer then their day time activities. The evening activities range from; roaming reporter, traditional British games and rehearsals for their show.


Did someone say cookies and milk before bed? Children are also debriefed on the day and told what to prepare for the next day!

Light Wash Up

Time to get ready for bed, some evenings the children will be allowed to call their parents which will also be supervised.

Lights Out

Children will be in bed and their dorm lights turned off! Good night

British Summer Camps

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