Fit For Sport to Open Nursery's with a twist

POSTED ON 20 Aug 2019 - POSTED BY Fit For Sport

Fit For Sport Announced today that they are opening three new UK nursery settings to run alongside their Active Schools and Active Camp programmes

Ever dreamt of a Early Years Role that was a little bit different? Well... Fit For Sport are set to open three new nursery settings this September. The launch coincides with the new school year in Richmond Upon Thames, Barnes and Ealing. Whilst the new locations will all be typical nursery settings (set in schools), the companies long standing mission to engage children in an Active and Healthy lifestyle will create opportunities for child care prcatitioners to take their child care careers in a new direction.

Fit For Sport COO, Craig Jones explains, "Fit for sport runs over 100 active camps each school holiday and 60 Active school clubs each term time, across the UK. Children aged between 5 and 12 attended our clubs, whereas their younger siblings have until today not been able to attend due to age restrictions. With the launch of our new Nursery settings in our already establised schools and camps we are able to offer children aged 3 -5 the opportunity to attend our clubs. This is great news for children and for our 450 staff as they now have a creer path into Early Years Practice and for new staff joing our family into Education, Sports Coaching and Management. We will need to source some amazing staff to run these nurseries but I am confident there plenty of talent out there ".

Fit For Sport are the UK’s experts in educating and engaging children through fun physical activity. Their Healthy and Active Lifestyle mantra means children and staff alike are encouraged to get active and eat well. Whilst it is epected that staff for the new settings will hold typical level 3 child care / early years practioner qualifications and the responsibiilties will be similar to those of any nursery worker, the Active and Healthy mission at the heart of this company means jobs in these settings will have an interestig twist. The opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities. Fit For Sport recenetly confirmed partnerships with Elmer the Elephant, Spot the Dog, Jag Tag - of American Football fame and Zoo Lab for those of you who love all things creepy crawly.

The first three settings will be launched in Richmond Up on Thames, Barnes and Ealing with further site launches later in the year and throughout 2020.

Fit For Sport

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