Online TEFL innovation
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The internet brings a huge range of tools and assistance in lesson planning for TEFL and ELT teachers and this latest website is the next in a long line of innovative resources to hand. Copy and paste some text into and it analyzes the text for vocabulary, grammar and usage, pronunciation, and word roots and stems. It then breaks it down and plans a lesson based on the skills you choose within each passage.
You can register your details and save all of your lesson plans, design units of study and track your lessons and their success. You can cut and paste any text you like, poems, songs, news stories, whatever you like so the theme of your lesson is pretty much a blank canvas just waiting to be used. We all know that if a lesson is based around an area of interest the students are far more likely to engage and interact, therefore learn at a faster rate
There is a video tutorial on the website and a forum to join so you can get started straight away, share ideas with other users and interact with the creators of the website. Anything that makes life a little easier in the classroom is surely to be welcomed! In ever increasing diversity of classes in both main stream schools and TEFL classes in the UK and abroad, Lesson Writer is yet another tool to help plan and execute your English lesson.
If you have come across any innovative and helpful tools that have helped you with your ESL and TEFL jobs let us know.
Email [email protected] and tell us all about them.
Season Workers
Season Workers is here to help facilitate the social mixing and travelling through work and training
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