Pay up and Hours Down!

POSTED ON 03 Dec 2018 - POSTED BY Family Ski Company

There has never been a better time to experience a winter season in the Alps.

Pay levels have increased and working hours reduced as season workers in France benefit from national regulations. We have always prided ourselves on being among the very best employers in the Alps and for over 20 years have held firm to our belief that the only way to ensure our guests enjoy their family skiing holidays is if our staff also have a great time.

This year the deal has gone up to whole new level as we pay our chalet teams £160 per week for a working week that will average out at less than 35 hours. For qualified nannies it's £177. That is alongside other benefits including accommodation, llift passes, travel to resort, medical insurance, ski or snowboard hire and most important enough time off to ski to your hearts content with new friends.

Not surprisingly we are looking forward to the new season with very full and happy teams but we still have a couple of vacancies for a qualified nanny, a chalet evening host and an activitity leader.We won't for long!

Family Ski Company

Family Ski recruit seasonal ski staff to work in catered chalets across the three valleys, France.

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