Staff blog, Chamonix - Christmas week 2010

POSTED ON 05 Jul 2011 - POSTED BY Alpine Elements

Team Chamonix prepare the hotel (and themselves!) for Christmas in the Alps...

Christmas week has begun here in Chamonix!

The lifts are open, the town is buzzing with lots of excited holidaymakers and the vin chaud is flowing! After a couple of days worth of decent snow, the slopes are ideal at the moment with lots of fresh powder, and as more lifts are open now there’s hardly any queues despite it being Christmas week.

We’ve been busy making the hotel look all Christmassy, whilst our chef is preparing to make a festive feast for our guests on Saturday. My highlight of the week is managing to secure our Christmas tree using an old wagon wheel – it looks brilliant! Well done to Hollie Bannister for that stroke of genius, it was certainly much better than my idea to put the tree in a teapot…

A special mention has to go to our guests from last week Del and Will, who kept all the staff entertained with some witty banter at the hotel bar. As our hotel assistant Olly would say they were, ‘ totes bangin!!’.I’m looking forward to a night out tomorrow as ‘The Spokes’ are playing in Chamonix, they’re a brilliant duo who play all over the alps. I saw them last year in Les Gets and they were awesome, so I’m sure they’ll have everyone singing along again this time too.

Our guests this week are lovely and we’re all looking forward to a big celebration on Christmas day. The staff have all done a secret santa too, so stay tuned for updates on what we end up getting (god help whoever Olly has to buy for, he told me yesterday that his ideal present would be a McDonalds voucher!). My Christmas parcel from home has arrived too, it’s very tempting to open it early (especially after one or two vin rouges) but I’ve been able to resist so far. It’s brilliant to look out of the window and see the Brevant lift, which is just a short walk away, finally up and running! It feels like the season is properly underway, so here’s to a good one!

Look out for more news from team Cham.

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