TEFL for Tevez?

POSTED ON 23 Feb 2009 - POSTED BY SeasonWorkers

Football stars face English lessons to work in the UK

Multi-millionaire football stars will soon be looking for TEFL teachers. They are now going to have to train off the pitch as well as on it when changes are made to legislation and implemented by Border and Immigration Minister, Phil Woolas. Fancy being a TEFL teacher to the likes of Carlos Teves or Robinho? From October 2009, non-EU workers entering the UK will have to meet certain standards and skill sets to be eligible to carry out their profession, basic levels of English will need to be met and this will extend into the world of football. Carlos Teves and Ji-Sung Park at Man Utd as well as Arsenal’s Denilson have all been struggling to learn English and could do with a good TEFL teacher.Immigration Officials originally planned to make it necessary to be up to the GCSE grade of English but later decided that was a bit “over the top”. As we all know, paying for the English lessons certainly won’t be a problem for these stars but knowing what to teach them may prove a challenge. How to get a WAG, how to negotiate with Aston Martin dealers and a bit of players’ terminology for the post match TV interviews will need to be top of the list!Let’s hope the standard can surpass the like of Harry Enfield’s character Julio Geordio seen here in this video.


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