The TEFL resource revolution

POSTED ON 20 Apr 2009 - POSTED BY Season Workers

The internet has brought about a whole new exciting range of TEFL teaching resources.

Kids these days are getting harder to enthuse about anything other than video games and TV, so keeping them interested and attentive in the classroom is getting harder. Ok so that maybe a bit of a sweeping generalisation and a little unfair on the young ones, but it is a daily task for a TEFL teacher to come up with fresh and exciting ways to not only teach, but to teach well and have the reward of a classroom full of happy children that have learned something at the end of the day. The internet is an endless source of information for someone about to start a TEFL job but unfortunately a lot of it is repeated and fragmented, making searching for inspiration and information a bit of an endless chore. Well now more and more interesting and innovative websites are springing up giving teachers invaluable access to new and exciting resources and teaching techniques. is one of these very websites. Shelly Vernon has taught English around the world and has used many methods. Having been bored to death in class as a child she didn’t want to impose the same dry and boring method on her pupils. Having already written a book “161 English language games for children” she has now produced this very useful website full of learning games aimed at all ages, including adults.

Another great tool is this blog by Claudio Azevedo, a teacher trainer form Brazil. He uses movie clips to teach grammar. Grammar is not the most exciting a subject, even for us native English speakers so what better way to get students interacting and learning than to base the class on movies. You then discuss and dissect the clips or describe what they have seen, forcing them to think carefully about things like past and present tense. You can find the movie clips posted on his blog along with tasks and questions to set the students once they have watched them. You can go to and prepare a lesson right now, and it’s free!

If you have come across any websites or blogs that have helped you prepare classes in a different and innovative ways then please let us know. Email [email protected]

Season Workers

Season Workers is here to help facilitate the social mixing and travelling through work and training

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