Win £4000 Travel & Teach Adventure for you & your friend!
- EFL/ESOL/ESL teacher
- Volunteer teacher
Win the adventure of a lifetime for you and a friend!
Imagine getting the opportunity to leap into an exciting new life teaching English abroad, prepared with all the gear you need to make the most of your experience. Now, imagine getting all that for you and your best friend as well - and all completely free! All you have to do is score top marks in our LoveTEFL Competition quiz and providing you are a LoveTEFL customer, you will be automatically entered in to our competition where you'll be in with a chance of winning the ultimate travel adventure.
Head to to find out more details.
What you could win:
- 2 places on a TEFL Trip orInternship of your choice
- 2 return international flights
- 2 iPad Minis
- 2 £200 ASOS vouchers
- 2 digital cameras
- 2 travel essentials packs, including 2 Ayacucho 65/10l backpacks, suncream, bug spray and mosquito nets
... that's worth over £4000 in total! You and a friend could join a group of intrepid explorers in locations as diverse as South Africa, China, Thailand, Cambodia and Colombia.
How to enter:
- To enter all you have to do is score top marks in our LoveTEFL Competition quiz and you will be automatically entered in to our competition.
- Competition closes on 30th September at 7pm, with the lucky winner announced on Wednesday 15th October.
- You must be at least 18 to enter.
- You must be a LoveTEFL customer to enter.
As well as your chance to win, we're currently offering up to awhopping £150 off ALLour TEFL Trips and TEFL Internships throughout the month - so get involved! You and a friend could be jetting off on the adventure of a lifetime, courtesy of LoveTEFL.
Give us a call on 0113 829 3300 to get booked on, or head to to speak to one of our TEFL experts today!

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