We've gobbled up part of your visa fee.
#MatesintheStates BUNAC are looking to send 3 lucky uni friends across the pond to live and work in one of America’s most popular tourist destination
A great way to chat with camp directors and bag yourself a job in the USA!
Impress summer camp directors face-to-face at BUNAC's Camp Fairs in London on 25th January and Manchester on 27th January.
Wild Packer, Sophie talks about why she originally signed up to work at a summer camp in America, and what she got out of it!
Confused about how to apply to work in a summer camp? Well watch our video and be in the know!
Daniel worked at a summer camp in California in 2014.
Sophie worked at a summer camp in upstate New York during the summer of 2014.
Kicking off the Summer 2015 season Wild Packs Summer Camps has launched their brand new website along with an new amazing video.
Looking to travel America? Check out our top travel tips for 2014
Teach kids at summer camp - come along for everything you need to get your summer sorted in one day!
Melissa shares her experiences of working at a camp in New York during the summer of 2013!