Ski Jobs & courses help guide
Working a ski season, or spending time on a season long course should be one of the richest (not financially!) periods of your life.
Whatever your age, the first season you spend in resort will give you memories that you will never forget. However, it is important to fully consider your options before jetting off to the Alps to avoid an early return.
You don't even have to follow the
traditional route of securing work with a tour operator before you
go. If you can afford it you might want to spend the season qualifying as an instructor or just rent a room for the season
and pursue your chosen plank sport at your leisure. Some people have
even set their own ventures up out in resort to fund their season, the
options are pretty endless but we have put this guide together based on
decades of experience so you should hopefully set off on the right

Ski instructor courses stupid questions
Season Workers asked a handful of leading snow sports training organisations some stupid questions in an attempt to expose some of the nonsense and myths surrounding snow sport instructor training.
"If you are a great skier you will make a great instructor"
"Ski instructors can earn £25,000 in one season"
"You do not need a work permit to train as an instructor"
And more...

Types of ski jobs in depth
Use this section to read about people's real experiences and get an insight into the different types of jobs on offer. From ski repping, to catering work or childcare employers of all shapes and sizes advertise their jobs right here on Season Workers.

Is a ski season right for you?
Imagine how many people are interviewed to work a season for your chosen company, plenty So how are you going to stand out from the rest? Here are some top tips on what you should do to prepare. With most companies you will receive some sort of training (be it a residential course prior to your season and / or training in resort). Residential courses generally last about a week. Most firms also give you further instruction during the early season on site specific issues and some of the more technical aspects of the job. Any company worth it's salt will then offer continued training and support to help you achieve success.

A ski season without working?!
Companies such as Basecamp and Flying Fish operate short to medium length courses in skiing and snowboarding. The courses are designed for people who want to qualify and work in instruction, or enhance their ability through intensive training. Alternatively you might have a business idea or simply want to rent a room for the season and see what happens when you get there.

Stages of the ski season
Physically, the early season is the hardest work. Resorts and centres need to be prepared to accept clients and deliver what they expect to get in return for their hard earned cash. This can quite often mean that specialist staff have to get involved in snow clearing, toilet cleaning and menial set up duties. The mid season can be tough if not handled correctly and then the end is upon you before you know it. Again, Season Workers should have something to help you at every stage.

Ski chalet menu planning
If you want a job in a ski chalet as a chalet rep your menu planning ability is one of the very first things a prospective employer will investigate. It is also absolutely key to the season going well for you and all your happy clients so best to get it right from the start. You can do a cookery course before you if you want to really get prepared.
Ski job roles in depth
This section covers all the ski job roles and types of employment. There are tour operators, hotels and chalet operations recruiting people to look after their clients in ski resorts all over the world.