Summer camp housekeeping jobs

No prior experience is required to work in housekeeping at a summer camp but it's clearly going to help. Camp housekeepers spend their working time keeping accommodation clean and washing and drying kids and staffs clothes and bedding. Camp coordinators or counsellors will generally have a regime in place to make sure kids (and staff) do their bit in tidying up and cleaning but this is obviously going vary from camp to camp. The aim of the role is to maintain a healthy and safe environment for campers and staff.
These roles exist in both the USA Summer Camp programmes and on Summer Schools in the UK. In the UK these can be either live in or live out if you are close by. Many employers and organisers of both types contribute to Season Workers each year and you will find what's currently on offer below or by clicking here to see all Summer Camp Jobs.
Site Support Staff
JOB TITLE - Site Support Staff – International Kids’ Summer Camp (Switzerland)Ages: 21+Camp Suisse is looking for a good all-rounder to take care of s

Competitive Seasonal Salary
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