Creative & Arts Jobs

There are specialist creative arts activity leader jobs at summer camps in the UK and overseas. Specialist performing arts camps are very popular in America so keep an eye out for performing arts camp counsellor jobs involving dance and drama.
Although more popular in America than in Europe, these roles exist in both the USA Summer Camp programmes and on Summer Schools in the UK. Many employers and organisers of both types contribute to Season Workers each year and you will find what's currently on offer below or by clicking here to see all Summer Camp Jobs.
Latest news
5 Great Reasons To Work At A Summer School
Gain career-boosting skills, explore new cultures, and have the summer of a lifetime!
Life at a New York Summer Camp
Melissa shares her experiences of working at a camp in New York during the summer of 2013!
Summer Jobs in UK booming
It may be a struggle overseas at the moment but summer season recruiters in the UK have rarely been busier
Get Spanish Summer Jobs before you go
Working in Spain this summer will be easier if you plan it and secure a job in advance. Moneycorp survey shows us why.
Latest videos
USA Summer Camp
Discover more about America, about camp and about the best summer of your life.
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