Summer jobs news & posts

News, developments and general interest articles posted by leading Summer season employers and organisations.

Helping keep you up to date with opportunities, job fairs, staff reunions, work permissions, visas, first hand accounts and more.

130 Results (showing 121–130)
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Cruise rep jobs created by Thomas Cook

Thomas Cook creates holiday rep jobs for cruise programme with NCL (Norweigan Cruise Line)

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UK Summer Jobs Created

Butlins and Pontins lead the way in recruiting extra summer staff to cater for increased UK holiday demand

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Pontins announce 2,000 new jobs

Pontins are to create 2,000 new seasonal jobs on holiday camps from Southport to Sussex

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Food you can and can’t bring in from abroad

It’s illegal for travellers to bring many foods into the UK from countries outside the EU. HMRC shares its thoughts with us.

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Temporary jobs at the Olympics

Olympics an opportunity for young sports stars and temporary workers

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Bangkok airport protest over

250,000 travellers allowed to resume trips

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Second Thai airport closed

Anti-government protesters force closure of second Thai airport

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Charitable gap year opportunity

Breakthrough Breast Cancer are organising Thailand Jungle trek

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Protesters sieze control of Bangkok international airport

Thousands of airline passengers are now stuck in Thailand after protesters siezed control of international airport.

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To the ends of the Earth

BBC One looking for people to take part in the next Planet Earth.

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