Summer Jobs Destinations Guide
This section is a guide to the hundreds of summer resorts and seasonal opportunities
in Europe, North America and beyond. Choose a country to read the guide and hopefully
get some ideas for the summer of a lifetime. The following reviews are a rough guide.
To the best of our knowledge all information is correct at the time of writing. Some of it is provided by employers and some by the Season Workers community and staff. If you see any mistakes or would like to add something please get in touch with us.
Working in Europe
Working in Europe is a great way to learn a new language. France, Italy and Spain probably offer the most in terms of summer seasonal work.
UK based Summer Jobs
Summer and holiday jobs in the UK and Ireland range from cleaning staff through to sports camps supervisors and managers.
Rest of the World
Opportunities in the Rest of the World - a way to learn a new language.
Summer Hospitality General
An opportunity to spend the summer in the Alps!We are looking for candidates who have a passion for hospitality together with a love of the mountains,

Site Support Staff
JOB TITLE - Site Support Staff – International Kids’ Summer Camp (Switzerland)Ages: 21+Camp Suisse is looking for a good all-rounder to take care of s

Competitive Seasonal Salary
Ticket Seller in Sunny Beach Bulgaria
VALHALLA is the biggest and most electrifying nightclub right in the heart of Sunny Beach. That iconic round building with the incredible light and so

Commission Based