Looking for summer jobs abroad - sources of info

Find most of what you need right here! All the major summer employers and as many as 300 small to medium size operations post jobs each year right here on Season Workers so you shouldn’t have to look much further. Not all companies have the sense to post their jobs with Season Workers (only joking!) so we have included this section with a few alternatives that may carry job and volunteer vacancies that differ from Season Workers.

Try Going Direct

Go direct to tour operator and organisation websites. If you have been on holiday and seen seasonal staff in action, or have been referred to a particular company try going to their website and contacting them directly. Most companies will let you apply on line and give a lot of the information you need to make a decision. Most significant summer employers can be found on the free Season Workers directory even if they are not actively using this site for recruitment.

Other Sources

Obviously Google searches are useful and many recruiters will sponsor their adverts so that they appear at the top of the search. Specialist publications like the Caterer are a good bet if you have a chef or related hospitality qualification. For more general positions Instagram and Facebook are the most commonly used social media platforms used by summer season recruiters to target their potential recruits. So make sure you are on them and have given a good impression.

Other Websites (but don't let us catch you!)

There are very few good seasonal recruitment websites left these days where you can research many opportunities in one place. Most are either agencies who are recruiting on behalf of their clients, or 'working holiday' companies that appear to be advertising jobs but charge a fee for you to join their program.

Obviously there are some other seasonal recruitment sites out there as well, we understand you have a choice. What to watch out for are those that ask for any kind of payment from a jobseeker, only list jobs with the few big operators, and beware of sites that list expired jobs or links to companies that are not recruiting to pad out their content (often without the company knowing they are there!). Between the sites listed above and Season Workers you should have no problem finding a summer job abroad or in the UK. Wherever you look, just make sure you do lots of research before taking a job.

Snow Coach Defaultimage
Summer Hospitality General

An opportunity to spend the summer in the Alps!We are looking for candidates who have a passion for hospitality together with a love of the mountains,

  • NA
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Freddy moreirra
Ticket Seller in Sunny Beach Bulgaria

VALHALLA is the biggest and most electrifying nightclub right in the heart of Sunny Beach. That iconic round building with the incredible light and so

  • Commission Based
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RCN deafiltimage
Lifeguard at RCN Holiday Parks in the Netherlands

At our 5-star campsite RCN de Flaasbloem in The Netherlands, we have a beautiful open swimming water for our guests. To make sure everyone can enjoy a

  • €16,80/hour or more
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