57 Results (showing 37–48)
‘I before e except after c’ is to be taught no more!

According to the government the spelling rule we all remember from school as kids is no longer worth teaching.

English has its millionth word!

The English language grows and evolves with new words and phrases used daily and is now reported to be at 1,000,000 words!

'Second Life' TEFL in the United Arab Emirates

Earlier this year the British Council launched an online TEFL project - read how it has pushed the boundries of teaching once again.

Mickey Mouse is a TEFL teacher?

Disney open English schools in China, but is it just a way to get a foot in the door?

The TEFL resource revolution

The internet has brought about a whole new exciting range of TEFL teaching resources.

Would the real Gordon Bennett please stand up?

As if a TEFL teacher's job isn't hard enough, along come eponyms, synonyms!

Txt spk @ skool – gud or bad?

Students are starting to use text message shorthand in school. Does this spell the end of the English language as we know it?

Two 1st class stamps and a TEFL lesson please?

Post office clerk is sacked after refusing to serve customers that can’t speak English.

ELTON sings praises for TEFL website

New TEFL innovative website wins award in the ELTons, the English Language Teaching awards.

Parlez-vous l'anglais ?

A good future for TEFL in France as Ministers acknowledge failings in teaching English to its youth.

Escape the credit crunch with TEFL!

More people than ever are taking TEFL courses and saying goodbye to the madness.

TEFL for Tevez?

Football stars face English lessons to work in the UK

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