Ski season recruiters directory
The Following companies have either jobs, placements or courses that may be of interest to you. If their jobs, placements or courses are being advertised currently on Season Workers you will see links to their listings and profile.
Joining the Season Workers directories
If you employ seasonal staff, run instructor or language courses, or operate a winter related gap year programme, the directory is free to join. Click here to get registered for free.

Season to Season Employment Ltd
Season to Season are a small recruitment company with roles for both the summer and winter seasons.

Select School Travel
Select School Travel employ staff for school ski and educational trips to resorts across Austria, France, Italy, Andorra and North America.

Ski Famille and Ski Vertigo
Ski Famille and Ski Vertigo offer ski jobs in the French Alps

Skiidy Gonzales Airport Transfers
Skiidy Gonzales recruit seasonal staff to operate ski transfers from airports to resorts in the Alps.


Sally's Nannies

SantaPark Arctic World

SARL 3 Valley Vans

SARL Black Run Enterprises

SAS Chez Toi

Savoie Faire Holidays

SB Ski

SC Rentals Ltd

Season it Cookery

Select Chalets Limited

Sempre Ski Ltd

Silver Swan Recruitment

Ski and Sport Travel

Ski Armadillo

Ski Barrett-Boyce

Ski Club GB

Ski Fanatics Ltd

Ski France Ltd

Ski Globe


Ski Lifts

Ski Olympic

Ski Royale

Ski Talini

Ski Vertigo
Ski Vertigo recruit seasonal staff to work ski seasons in their chalets in the French Alps.

Ski Dazzle is an independent family run company offering ski chalet jobs in La Tania, France.


SkiEasy are recruiting casual staff to work as ski and snowboard instructors in indoor ski centre in West London


Skizeen Ltd.


Smaller Earth


Snow Retreat

Snow Trippin


Snowed Inn Chalets
Snowed Inn Chalets recruit seasonal staff to run a catered chalet in Serre Chevalier in the Southern Alps.

Snowlinx Transfers



Snowstyle Courses

Snowtravel Skiing Holidays

Snowtraxx International

Hospitality jobs at inspiring, award-winning design meets modern, mobile-first service company .

Sport Tasman
To help get people more physically active Sport Tasman uses a variety of techniques which vary from running sports and recreation events to delivering a large range of targeted community activity programmes.

Stanford Skiing

Summit Ski and Snowboard School

Summit Special Ltd