Ski season recruiters directory
The Following companies have either jobs, placements or courses that may be of interest to you. If their jobs, placements or courses are being advertised currently on Season Workers you will see links to their listings and profile.
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White Horizon Chalets Ltd
White Horizons recruit staff to work in their chalets in Tignes, France.

White Stripe Mountain Lodge
The White Stripe Mountain Lodge is a boutique catered ski chalet in Les Arcs, France.

Minibus transfer company based in Les Arcs in the French Alps.

Woody's Bar
Woody's Bar is situated in the heart of the alpine centre next to the main ski lifts, Woody's Afterski is a lively English pub with a fast food menu as well as live music throughout the season from various musicians.

World Class Training
World Class Training provides comprehensive first aid courses. They also provide group and bespoke first aid courses for Snowsport instructors, outdoor pursuit personal and office staff or any one in between.
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