Summer season recruiters directory

The Following companies have either jobs, placements or courses that may be of interest to you. If their jobs, placements or courses are being advertised currently on Season Workers you will see links to their listings and profile.

Joining the Season Workers directories

If you employ seasonal staff, run instructor or language courses, or operate a summer season related gap year programme, the directory is free to join. Click here to get registered for free.

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Dusemond Study Programmes

Dusemond recruit seasonal staff to operate study programmes and holiday courses for young learners across the UK.

David Austin Unipessoal lda
Oscars is a British pub located in Vilamoura in Portugal.
Deia & Tiger 2017 SL

Deia is a modern asian restaurant in the heart of Deia on the northwest coast of Mallorca.

Descent international
Descent International provides luxury chalet holidays across the Alps. They are looking for enthusiastic, professional and highly motivated individuals to join their experienced and friendly team.
DIGnGO offer gourmet bike tours in France and Tuscany.
diYachting is a British company with over 15 years experience in the yachting industry.
Dooley's is a seafood and steakhouse restaurant in Kerry, Ireland
Dragoman offer overland travel expeditions across Asia, Africa and America.
Dreams Surf Camp offer surf camps in France, Bali, Costa Rica, Maldives, Nicaragua, Portugal, Spain and Sri Lanka.
Driftwood Spars
Driftwood Spars is a locally owned brew-pub by the Cornish North coast.
Drovers Rest

Campsite jobs on a 16th Century Organic Farm, near Hay-on-Wye, Herefordshire

Dubai Offshore Sailing Club

Dubai Offshore Sailing Club are recruiting for experienced staff to run watersports/sailing courses in Dubai.

Dukes Albania

Dukes Albania is a hotel in the heart of Vlorë in Albania, recruiting seasonal staff.

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