Summer season recruiters directory
The Following companies have either jobs, placements or courses that may be of interest to you. If their jobs, placements or courses are being advertised currently on Season Workers you will see links to their listings and profile.
Joining the Season Workers directories
If you employ seasonal staff, run instructor or language courses, or operate a summer season related gap year programme, the directory is free to join. Click here to get registered for free.
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UK Antarctic Heritage Trust
Port Lockroy, Base ‘A’, is a British historic base situated on Goudier Island off the Antarctic Peninsula. It was established in 1944 and operated as a British Research station until it closed in 1962. Base A now welcomes visitors to the site every summer, in order to promote the work of the UKAHT on the Peninsula and in the UK and to give visitors a taste of base life from the early days of British occupation.

Ultimate Activity Camps
Ultimate Activity Camps offer day camp childcare for children aged 4-14 during the school holidays across the UK.

UnCruise Adventures
UnCruise Adventures offers small ship cruises focused on wilderness, wildlife, and culture in destinations such as Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, Mexico, Columbia & Snake Rivers, Costa Rica & Panama, Belize, Galapagos and Pacific Northwest.

UPP is a leading student accommodation provider in the UK. They recruit cleaning staff to work in different locations nationwide.
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