Summer season recruiters directory
The Following companies have either jobs, placements or courses that may be of interest to you. If their jobs, placements or courses are being advertised currently on Season Workers you will see links to their listings and profile.
Joining the Season Workers directories
If you employ seasonal staff, run instructor or language courses, or operate a summer season related gap year programme, the directory is free to join. Click here to get registered for free.

Work Play USA

WAGI Camping Ltd trading as Four Winds
WAGI Camping Ltd, trading as Four Winds recruit staff to work on their campsite offering a wide range of accommodation from log cabin to shepherds huts, B&B accommodation to camping spots, just outside March, Cambridgeshire, England.

Walnut Bistro
Recruiting staff to work in Bistro style family owned restaurant in Eymet, South West France.


Waterhoppers Dive School


Weymouth English Centre

Whitgift School

Wickedly Wonderful

Wildland are offering summer seasonal hospitality opportunities in the Scottish Highlands.

Willen Lake

Willow Lake Water Park
Recruiting seasonal staff to work in brand new water sports park at Billing Aquadrome Holiday Park in Northampton.

Wire & Sky

Wiveton Hall Café

Woodlands Manor Hotel

Work In Australia