Summer season recruiters directory
The Following companies have either jobs, placements or courses that may be of interest to you. If their jobs, placements or courses are being advertised currently on Season Workers you will see links to their listings and profile.
Joining the Season Workers directories
If you employ seasonal staff, run instructor or language courses, or operate a summer season related gap year programme, the directory is free to join. Click here to get registered for free.

La Paille Basse

La Terrasse & Lodge du VIllage


Ladram Bay Holiday park

Langass Lodge

Language Study Centres

Launcells Barton

Lauvitel Lodge

Le Boat

Le Relais du Lyon D'or

LEC - Langues Education Connaissances

Legends Equestrian Centre
Legends Equestrian Centre recruits seasonal staff to work in Equestrian Centre and livery yard in South Africa.

Lemurama is a recruitment agency based in Slovakia, specialising in seasonal job placements within the hospitality and gastronomy sectors.

Letz Live
Lets Live offer gap year and working holiday programs across the world.

life disco club

Life Tourism and Consulting are recruiting hotel resort staff in Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, Malta, Egypt, Tanzania, Turkey and Tunisia.

Lilburn Chiropractic
Lilburn Chiropractic recruit staff for Sports Chiropractic and Rejuvenation clinic in Lilburn America.

Lime Wood Group

Lingue Senza Frontiere S..r.l.

Lions Entertainment

Loch Ness Highlands Resort

Clients include leisure centres, private Trusts, small gymnasiums, swimming pools, golf clubs,
holiday parks, four star hotels with extensive leisure facilities, family run hotels, country clubs,
activity centres, caravan parks and large national chains of private health clubs.

Longleat Enterprises Limited

Lovell International Camps AG

Lovely Island Ibiza

Lunga Estate
Lunga Estate are recruiting staff to operate estate for holiday makers and private functions in Oban.