Summer season recruiters directory

The Following companies have either jobs, placements or courses that may be of interest to you. If their jobs, placements or courses are being advertised currently on Season Workers you will see links to their listings and profile.

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Europarcs Holidays Limited T/A EuroResorts

Europarcs Holidays Ltd recruit seasonal staff to operate their mobile home, self catering holidays in France, Italy, Portugal and Spain.

Experio Summer Ltd

Experio Summer Ltd offer International Summer School jobs.

Earlscliffe is an international boarding sixth form school delivering Easter/summer and A-level courses in Folkestone, Kent, only 50 mins from central London by train.

European Camping Group recruit seasonal staff to work on over 400 campsites across Europe.

ECS - English Country Schools
English Country Schools offers English and activity summer camps for juniors, children and teenagers.
Eda Frandsen Sailing
Eda Frandsen offers the finest traditional sailing in the Western Isles of Scotland, in Cornwall, Brittany and the West Country.
El Centro Inglés
El Centro Inglés is a bi-lingual, bi-educational school in Andalucía, Spain.
Arc is one of the UK’s leading event staff specialists, providing top-class people to sports venues, caterers, hotels and tourist attractions across the UK.
Embers Camping
Embers Camping offer camping holidays in stunning, protected locations across the UK.
Embers Camping
Embers Camping offer camping holidays in stunning locations in Surrey, Oxfordshire, Sussex and Bucks. Their campsites are situated in large estates, off the beaten track in secluded locations, giving customers the perfect retreat to explore the countryside.
Embers Camping
Embers Camping operate seven sites in beautiful locations in Southern England.
Emerald Sea SA
Hotel on the beautiful island of Kefalonia, Greece.
Emilio's Bar & Apartment Rentals
Emilio's Bar is set in the beautiful Marina Complex of Puerto Sherry near Cadiz. It was one of the first businesses to open in Puerto Sherry and now is a well-known cosmopolitan meeting place.
Emirates flies to more than 140 destinations in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the Americas. They recruit staff to join their Cabin Crew team.
English Holiday Cruises Ltd
English Holiday Cruises own and operate M.V. Edward Elgar, the largest hotel boat on the inland waterways of the UK.
Ents Central
Ents Central is an entertainment agency in the UK, working with larger tour operators and cruise ship operators to provide entertainment staff.
Equity is the UK’s leading supplier of educational group tours, and school ski trips.
Ergasia Consulting & Business P.C.
Ergasia Consulting & Business is a premier recruitment and staffing company dedicated to connecting businesses with the right talent.
Erimitis Bar & Restaurant
Erimitis is a bar and restaurant on the small island of Paxos in the Ionian in Greece.
Espantabrujas is a high end, 7 rooms, Bed and Breakfast located in the center of the Spanish Pyrenes,next to the French border. It is set in a beautiful and ancient village called Santa Cruz de la serós.
Estancia Los Potreros
Estancia Los Potreros offer high quality horse-riding and authentic travel experiences in Argentina.
European Camping Group

European Camping Group offers seasonal jobs on high-end 4 and 5* campsites in top tourist destinations across Europe.

European Campsite Services Limited
European Camping Services Ltd offer camping holidays in six European Countries, including Italy, France, Spain, Solvenia, Hungary and Austria.
European Leisure Jobs
European Leisure Jobs specialises in recruitment for the leisure industry.
European Services Ltd
ESL recruit staff to work through the winter in Europe installing mobile homes on campsites. In the summer they employ staff to maintain Tour Operator mobile homes.
Evelyn and Bloom
Childcare provider for Mallorca and Germany.
Exeter City Community Trust
Exeter City Community Trust delivers physical activity, education, health and wellbeing programmes and courses across Devon.
Exodus Travels
Exodus Travel offers worldwide adventure holidays.
Exsportise Ltd
Exsportise is an English language school that run residential English Academies plus specialist activities courses for 9 – 17 year old students in Haywards Heath, England.
Extreme Adventure Ltd
Extreme Adventure specialises in providing casual event staff for the summer season.
Extreme Chalets
Extreme Chalets offer catered and self catered ski and summer action holidays in beautiful chalets in the French Alps.
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